Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Men are pathological cheats! Not all of them but a major majority of them. Sadly its true. This week a friend called me ranting and raving about how her man is a male whore and how he has a bad habit of cheating on her. Well my question is this What is it that men look 4 in women? coz it seems they never find it as they are always chasing more than one. So it brought along an interesting debate with the man I hope to tolerate till death, and he says that men are unique, that they have an ability to love two women (some sane man refute this for me please) at the same time but he chooses to marry the one who makes his life better.( HOW NICE but please don’t do me a favor) Kwani it’s a contractual partnership we are getting into. I mean if you happen to love two people simultaneously please stay with the one you loved second coz if you loved the first one then you wouldn’t happen to love anyone else after. So this really got me thinking of the differences in the two sexes. Ok so other than the physical difference and psychological differences. I mean relationships between men and women are not necessarily difficult or impossible but our lack of knowledge and mutual experiences give rises to our difficulties. Someone once told me that Women are like padlock the more they are opened the more useless they are while men are like keys the more they open (master key) the more should be preserved ( this has man written all over it) but our failure to recognize and appreciate these differences can become a lifelong source of disappointment, frustration, tension and eventually our downfall in a relationship. I mean think of the fights that we have with our significant others they simply arise when we expect or assume the opposite sex should think feel or act the way we do. Imagine believe it or not men do not leave in completely different realities. The task that faces men and women is to learn to accept their differences, avoid taking their differences as personal attempts to frustrate each other, and to compromise whenever possible. So with that in mind, my dear men: considering am a woman any man reading this please consider the following when in a relationship with a woman:

• Women value love, communication, beauty and relationships
• For women, offering help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength; it is a sign of caring to give support.
• Women are more intuitive, holistic, creative, integrative
• Women want empathy, but you men usually offer solutions.
• When women are upset, it is not the time to offer solutions, though that may be appropriate at a future time when she is calmed down
• Women need to receive caring, understanding, respect, devotion, validation, and reassurance
• Women are motivated when they feel special or cherished.
“A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.

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