Monday, May 7, 2012


I wanna talk on a sensitive subject, one that i find we have so profoundly yet sneakily brushed under the carpet, HIV/AIDS. For me i learnt about it maybe class 8 to around form 1. I knew about this as it was in my fathers line of work, during that time frame, my parents and their friends and colleagues would gather us up and talk to us on this things and we would attend seminars. So i grew up knowing of its consequences. Due to my fathers influence in the arena i got an opportunity to meet influential people who went around talking of HIV/AIDS to people, I am talking of the likes of Joe Njoroge, Asumnta Wagura and many others. WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS PEOPLE?  We(me included) don't talk about HIV in our circles of friends, ask yourself this  DO you have Friends who are HIV POSITIVE or know each other status?  We have become such a loose moraled society, so WHY ISN'T HIV/AIDS A MATTER OF CONCERN TO OUR SOCIETY? Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you wanna look at it, I got a chance to be at the Comprehensive Care Center at the KNH about 3 weeks ago and what i saw there scared me shitless(mind the language). Earlier that week i had read an article on a youth magazine "the INSYDER" and they had interviewed young people on their lifestyles, and one young girl stood out for me as she talked on sex and how they have no issues with it, i quote "the worst thing that can happen to me is i wont be here tomorrow but at least i will have gone having fun." WHAT THE_____? his should be an eye opener to all.  To many i might be an alarmist but look at it this way .HUBBY/BOYFRIEND has sex with YOU(wife) YOUNG GIRLS AND OLDER WOMAN.  Then you the WIFE has sex with YOUNG BOYS AND OLDER MAN. The YOUNG GIRL has sex with HER BOYFRIEND plus your HUBBY, The YOUNG BOY has sex with HIS GIRLFRIEND plus you WIFE. then We move to the OLDER MAN who is having sex with HIS WIFE plus YOU and YOUNG GIRL and the OLDER WOMAN IS also having sex with HER Husband and your Hubby. so think about it like this if you don't get it from your HUSBAND you might get it from your YOUNGER BOY or OLDER MAN and YOU also have the opportunity to give it to all three and all the people that they are sleeping with. This is one Twisted Cycle that will find us all dead. Mind you i am not saying that HIV/AIDS is only spread though sex but this is the only way that itwe get it through our own fault.HIV/AIDS had the ABC motto,Abstinence Be faithful use a Condom  and i am a firm believer that this works if properly adhered to. Let us be careful, life is a gift from God and we have absolutely no right to play around with it. As i end i want you to ASK yourself this question, if you found out you were HIV/AIDS positive what would our reaction be?

                GOOD WEEK