Thursday, April 3, 2014


Just like David in Psalms 27:4, the one thing I ask Jehovah for is that I may dwell in the House of Jehovah all the days of my life, but this is easier said than done, you see to achieve this one must draw close to Jehovah and this involves praying, studying the bible and applying what one reads.

We are told to “PRAY incessantly.”1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Persevere in prayer.” Romans 12:12 “Let your petitions be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6 If you’re a Christian, you probably know those scriptures well. You probably also realize that prayer is the most amazing form of communication there is.  But I don’t know if you are like me whereby you find prayer a challenge; where you feel as if you have run out of prayers; where you find it hard to tell God how you feel.

Once a lady I have a lot of respect for as a Christian confessed she didn't know how to pray, I remember feeling so confused by her statement. I mean even as a novice I knew who and what to pray for, I could not comprehend how one did not know. Oh how young I was in my faith and later (much) I learnt how proud my thoughts were. I remember praying specifically for what I was sure was best for every situation; I mean my prayers were open and honest just as the Lord wants them. I could pray for any situation and using words that were sweet to the ears, but lately I've had a lot of thoughts on my mind about my current state of faith.

 I seem to have gotten busier and had to deal with new circumstances all the time, so I find I cannot sit down and pray because there are so many places in our lives right now that are just hard. I find myself tired of praying over the same situation over and over, in detail which then makes me think on the issue more and instead of sharing my concerns over those areas it becomes my time to worry. Before I know it my prayer time has escaped me and I am left feeling more empty than before I began praying.

I just seem to be going through the motions right now, I attend Sunday service, but it’s not giving me anything. I have asked Jehovah to help me but even that plea sounded empty and I am not feeling anything. I find myself questioning God’s presence, why he feels so distant? What could be wrong with me whereby I don’t seem to care about reading the scriptures like I used to, or why sometimes I’m bored when I pray, or my mind just seems to wander off. Is it something that I did?

Lord I used to be more excited and I don’t understand what is going on? I am not connecting with him, I am just talking, you know? I wish I could be like Hannah, a faithful woman who raises her voice in a prayer that lauds Jehovah and who knows that God has lifted her out of the dust, replacing her dejection with exultation. If you have any time at all could you please pray for me that I can find my bearings again.